이세이 미야케 A 드롭 디세이 오 드 퍼퓸 30ml
Issey Miyake A Drop d’Issey Eau de Parfum Spray 30ml

Issey Miyake, A Drop d’IsseyㆍA Drop d’Issey, Issey Miyake’s new Eau de Parfum for women, is an invitation to see the world in a new way, to discover the beauty and poetry hidden in nature.
A perfume with a floral, solar lilac signature perceived through the lens of a musky note and a hint of almond milk accord.
A Drop d’IsseyㆍThe top note of the fragrance is delicately floral with pure, clear, damask rose.
The perfume’s middle notes magnify the enveloping fragrance of solar lilac with hints of almond milk and ethically sourced orange flower.
The base notes round out the fragrance with a musky accord of upcycled cedarwood atlas and vanillin.
ㆍOne of perfumery’s most mysterious flowers, lilac, doesn’t give up its secrets easily.
Its fragrance cannot be extracted from the flower in its natural state and must be recreated by the creative talents and imagination of a perfumer.
For A Drop d’Issey, perfumer Ane Ayo imagined a modern lilac – a full-bodied fragrance, a marriage between nature and technology.
Combining natural and synthetic ingredients, this solar lilac was created using green chemistry with the most innovative technical processes, while protecting the lilac flower by eliminating the need to harvest it.
ㆍJust A Drop – About The Bottle : Combining the simplicity of a perfect circle with the transparency of 5% recycled glass, the drop-shaped bottle is designed to be laid flat.
On the box, a gleaming mirror lens creates a ‘fish eye’ distortion, inviting us to see differently and open our mind to new perspectives.
The paper used in the packaging is made using materials from well-managed forests and other controlled sources.

용량  30ml

제조사 및 원산지 Issey Miyake / 이세이 미야케 / UK
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