쥴리크 페이스 데일리 엑스폴리에이팅 크림 100ml
Jurlique Face Daily Exfoliating Cream 100ml

Jurlique, FaceㆍThe Daily Exfoliating Cream is a rich and creamy exfoliator that boasts a non-granular formula.
It polishes the skin, removing dead skin cells and other impurities with a natural blend of exfoliators alongside hydrating oils that prevent the skin from drying out.
Oats and crushed Almonds act as exfoliators, removing dead skin cells.
Macadamia and Sesame Seed Oils provide the skin with hydration for a smooth finish.

용량  100ml

제조사 및 원산지 Jurlique / 쥴라크 / UK
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To use : Apply generously to the wet hands and form a paste. Apply to the face with press and release motions, avoiding the eye area. Rinse thoroughly. Jurlique is a brand that places the environment at the forefront of everything it does. From award-winning sustainable packaging, to adopting biodynamic farming systems to grow their products' key ingredients (including lavender, rose, liquorice, and calendula crops) on their 154-acre farm in South Australia's Adelaide Hills, to planting over 12,000 native trees to increase biodiversity - minimising their environmental impact and carbon footprint is paramount. They are committed to reducing transport emissions, using clean energy wherever possible and minimising waste output - in fact, the farm has sent zero waste to landfill since 2016.
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