마크 제이콥스 크리스마스 2022 퍼펙트 오 드 퍼퓸 100ml 키트
Marc Jacobs Christmas 2022 Perfect Eau de Parfum Spray 100ml Gift Set

Marc Jacobs, Christmas 2022ㆍPour a little Perfect MARC JACOBS Shower Gel into the palm of your hands, and work into a creamy foam for a fragrant deep cleanse.
Glide the Perfect MARC JACOBS Body Lotion over clean, dry skin in smooth strokes, paying attention to any areas in need of a little tender loving care, such as ankles, knees, and elbows.
Next, apply the Perfect MARC JACOBS Eau de Parfum in careful touches, behind the ears and at the neck, as well as to the wrists and inner elbows, for scent designed to be worn close to the skin and fragrance that hovers deliciously throughout the day.
Set includes : - Marc Jacobs Perfect Eau de Parfum Spray 100mlㆍMarc Jacobs Perfect Body Lotion 75mlㆍMarc Jacobs Perfect Body Cleanse 75mlㆍ

용량 set

제조사 및 원산지 Marc Jacobs / 마크 제이콥스 / UK
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