나르시소 로드리게스 포 힘 블루 누아르 퍼퓸 50ml
Narciso Rodriguez For Him Bleu Noir Parfum Spray 50ml

Narciso Rodriguez, For Him Bleu NoirㆍFor Him Bleu Noir Parfum is a new creation for a man who defines his own singularity.
Mysterious and audacious, this new Bleu Noir fragrance revisits masculine elegance by exploring a new complementary universe within the For Him franchise.
ㆍThe Fragrance : Bleu Noir Parfum embodies a warm, amber and utterly addicting fragrance.
In this fragrance, suede leather is enhanced by the sensuality of iris and sweetened by the addition of tonka.
The heart of musk, the brand's signature, evokes the sensuality and luxuriousness of Bleu Noir which is truly unforgettable.
ㆍThe Bottle : Regarding the design, for the first time, the iconic bottle of Bleu Noir is unveiled without interior lacquering, revealing an elegant blue hue with a translucent black outer lacquering.
Lastly, a matte navy cap brings the final touch of sensuality.
An iconic design that expresses mystery and intensity.

용량  50ml

제조사 및 원산지 Narciso Rodriguez / 나르시소 로드리게스 / UK
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