바이테리 히알루로닉 틴티드 히드라-파우더 N2 살구 라이트 10g
By Terry Hyaluronic Tinted Hydra-Powder N2 Apricot Light 10g

By Terry, Hyaluronic Tinted Hydra-PowderㆍBy Terry was established in 1998 by make-up artist Terry de Gunzburg, the trailblazing industry legend, who over the past 30 years has changed the face of beauty.
After spending 15 years as Creative Director at Yves Saint Laurent, where she created the cult classic Touche Éclat concealer pen, she decided to launch her own collection of products and so By Terry was born.
This ultra-luxurious collection of makeup and skin care products has become a modern day favourite, as it combines convenience with efficacy seamlessly to leave a professional quality finish every time.
ㆍThe Hyaluronic Tinted Hydra-Powder is a loose setting powder infused with the hydrating powers of hyaluronic acid.
It helps to keep the complexion perfected with a formula that preserves moisture and supports the skin’s balance.
It helps to even the skin’s tone, fill in fine lines, and control shine.

용량  N2 Apricot Light 10g

제조사 및 원산지 By Terry / 바이테리 / UK
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